Tuesday, November 27, 2007,
Suddenly i feel afraid... of everything about life.
am i oversensitive? or i just think too much.
I just dun feel as secure as i was. I guess this is wad an quan gan means.
Maybe you people are moving too fast.
I guess i cant catch up with you people anymore...
Maybe this is the end...
may the sand flow upwards... may time reverse
11/27/2007 04:51:00 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007,
hooo 2 days of productive studying while staying in at school.. actually stayin in sch is quite fun ha. had lunch wif dickson sam liying jeanette at arts canteen before prpceeding to study.... wads amazing is the crowd in the canteen doesnt seem lesser than any sch day... and wads worse is the library.... its full frm the 3rd t the 6th flr its FULL! not even a single empty table and the few of us ended up studying at the study bench at engin bridge...ha manage to finish a chapter of psych will wld normally have taken me 2 days... yep and went to lot 1 to have dinner wif dearest dandan and meimei ha sorry for being late la~ ha and wads farni.. long john silver black out andthe cash machones arent working... so they used paper to write down our orders and used calculators...omg...walked ard for awhile b4 goin back sheares... and i had a run ard sch... my god it was a long run and i cant believe its 4km.... it seems much longer than 4km lor.....
day 2 of study wk and i woke up at 11am to go to the lib to study wif 01 and lesbian ha. they got here at 8am to getthe discussion rm man... salutes... and then met mei mei to study wif her at he forum whr dandan and tingwei dey all were doing their project... haha lol dandan scared like shit to do the trustfall lol.....laffs mei mei went off at 6 to watch movie lor wah laooo... study wk lei watch movie.. ad on the way to the bustop she pointed out a tree with a weird looking shape and says it mite break anytime..zz ha ha wun la and it nv break and crush me ok i noe u hoping for it... And i learnt noe to say random rubbish to dandan and tingwei and dats wad happen to qiyuan haha he jus said dathe printing shop ger looks hot ha and we gave her qiyuans no wif his name on it and it wrote...' pls call me... wo deng ni wor' haha...
yep now its slping time and another day of mugging tmr ha
all the best to dandan tingwei qiyuan dawn tmr for their presentation...and teck is comin to sch too tmr and ha looks forward to tmrs lunch*
11/21/2007 04:08:00 AM
Monday, November 19, 2007,
Let us all never forget the simple happiness we all have in us...The first bite of ice cream....The burst of rainbow in the sky....The first kiss we had...The one hug we miss...Lets all be happy =)
11/19/2007 03:13:00 AM
Sunday, November 18, 2007,

Nice pic rite..? ha Felicia was in sch for the yummy canteen food show wif Dasmond Koh and we managed to have a foto taken. omg was she pretty... besides shes super frenly too. loves..
Studied in sch quite a bit during the weekdays and it was quite productive. This week something wrong wif mei mei ha.. somebody very sweet lor thursday got cake gimmie eat lei fri got share mango dessert wif me in lecture wor... haha dun say u fierce liao ok haha. She was really happy when u got an A for her paper too.
Poor von underwent an op for her ear which had an infection cause of some earing.. and was vomitting the entire day for thurs and so dan dan and i decided to visit her yesterday... She was already perfectly ok alrdy when we met her at Hougang mall for lunch at ichiban sushi together with her mum. Now even her mum calls me meepok..*slaps forehead. Von was kinda happy to see us rite haha.. so nice of us to visit. She ate katsu don at $10.90 when it costs $3.50 in sch and dan dan oso another one eat the curry katsu don at $11.90 when its $4.00 in sch.. stoops. We proceeded to von's hse and von very nice oso cut mango for me to eat lor.
Then von and I went to far east to watch a dance compy... She say got cow dere haha... ahzhu was in one of the teams competing and they came in 3rd... I really think they shld have gotten 1st since none of the other teams impressed. Then the 2 of us went to have swensens at PS romantic hor von? I had curry chicken baked rice and she had salmon and we shared a apple crumble for dessert.. waaa the salmon serving was v small.. only 2 pieces. I tink i can like finish everything is 4-5 mouthfuls... Walked around PS after dinner for some digestion before we went home singing along the way together. =)
Haiz the exams are drawing closer and closer and closer. And the textbook seems even more powerful than taking sleeping pills. Hope i can really concentrate for the next week or so and get it over and done with then we shall all enjoy our holiday. Upcoming would be nigel's bdae party on 7th dec and then all the xMas parties and our chalet... cant wait for exams to be over.
11/18/2007 10:53:00 AM
Sunday, November 11, 2007,
2 more weeks to the final exams and its such a untimely period to fall sick but the unfortunately bunch of us happen to do so.... 1st it was mei mei who caught a flu...eee always blow nose loud loud in lecture and lib haha.. then it was dan dan... who had a sorethroat too and me having a combination of both flu and sorethroat and even worse geo had flu sorethroat plus fever omg... hope everyone gets well soon... Being sick sucks especially when its a holiday and u planned to study but ended up sleeping through the day...
ha ha dan dan says she looks like an alien in her formal wear for presentation.... we both started laughing when i saw her at the mrt station from a distance lol... but aiyo dandan.. u still look hot in that clown outfit ok... and wed von and i went on the serach for the legendary mini buns at peoples park only to find it closed for no particular reason and so we went central for the mini donuts which she treat me... the donuts were really small and u can put it straight in ur mouth... dats how small it is.. xiexie twinz.. thurs nite went to 85 wif vix wj and pr for dinner and i jus had the pork porridge and haiz i fell to temptaion and we all ordered the stingray which aggravated my throat. I had no voice when i got back home...
Its cool that my connection is improving and i can play dota once again.. ha ha to dose pubbies to pawned while i was laggy... sorry. ur time is over ha ha... heh ate dinner wif dan dan and mei mei at clementi on fri.. we had claypot rice. Interesting discovery.. dan dan only eats the stem of the vege and meimei eats the leaves ha ha same as me and my sis she eats the stem and i eat the leaves.. eating with them gives me a very family feeling which i haven had in a long long time... dunno why lei ha got that kind of family warmth and i went for the r21 lust caution by tony leung and wang lee hom wif fats wj lm and gy... long time nv have our mini outing liao... goin to have fish and co later... finally my turn to eat something good. goodluck to villa spurs and wadver... HUAT ah
11/11/2007 06:06:00 PM
Saturday, November 03, 2007,
ha this pst was supposed to be up sometime ago but i guessed i was too happy to blog anything last week and i thot that i shld wait for everything to be over including all prez received all the aftermath to be over to blog about everything ha. Spent last last weekend mon and tues preparing von's prez too and i mus say im proud of my work ha ha looking at the scrapbook i was kinda reluctant to giv her lor. Ok wed was the celebration day since von was supposed to go out wif her parents on the actual day which was thurs. Oh did i mention both of us have the same bdae?
Wed was also our presentation day for film studies but who cares its celebration day and ran ard sch to let dose who haven left a msg in von's prez to pen some stuffs down. Next we all met at the forum at 6 to prepare to proceed down to Holland V's nydc where dan dan will meet us dere wif the tamagochi. Von went crazy when she saw her prez and of cuz she loved it lots and i got my gigantic forever friends card dat dan dan bought oso. ha lol its now nicely pinned up on in front of my study desk. we all had a great time at nydc everything was cool the people, the food, the cake , the prez ha jus everything. That was definitely the best nite of the year. Thx to all who came to celeb our bdaes. really thx thx thx loves hugs.
And i started to receive all the bdae sms at midnite comin in one by one and its really heartwarming to see all the msges coming in frm different grps of ppl. It ranges from my sec 1-2 class 2j and then ncc buds guides pretties then 3D 4 D peeps, my weekend clicks fats and gang, Jc ppl 03s305 + my bowling dudes, soccer lfc guys, army Provost ppl and oso ha dearest Astral Ahaha... I would like to thank all of u for smsing. In total i received a great 58 bdae sms including belated ones advance ones. I wrote a list of who smsed ok.
Thurs 2510 heh i recieved my presents wif love from dan dan geo teck meimei ahgong leong tingwei Zm ahneh racheal geri ahzhu and special thx to cCc and von for choosing the super nice wallet and tee-shirt.. Next was the weirdest prez i received thruout my 21yrs on earth. Met cher and siewlian at the deck and guessed wad they gave me ha. A bag of beansprouts... -.- and their rationale being they used to call me beansprouts back in our sec sch days... ha ha it ended up being cooked and thats the most delicious tao gey ive eaten... and then big hugs to eeLi and 01 for the liverpool look alike bdae card. hA its the one shown on my display pic. Its a v cute card and poor eeli got sick doing it... Went shopping wif geo and von at novena velocity for dan dan's surprise prez as well as for von to spend her espirit vouchers. Von bought a bag which suits her v well and oso a dress. OMg Von u noe....dress ha ha its the first time im seeing her in a dress ha and she looks quite nice in it ha ha =p Geo bought a G dogtag and she got a nike cap from me which i tink was v v nice. Then von proceeded to have crabs wif her family which i drove geo to ur cuzzie's place b4 goin home to cook my beansprouts.
Fri its dan dan's turn to go crazy over her surprise tamagochi ha ha and dan and von begin hugging each other on the corridor.. ha so nice of her to get us bubble tea. After sch went to town to look for the mafan mei mei's prez lor.. mus practical one cannot no use one if she dun like mus go exchange lor ha ha and she wans burberry and gucci wallet and a pair of birks. Finally after a long nite of choosing i decide on a wallet for her in the end ha with special help from joce of cuz. Thx joce i would still be chooing when they are closing if it wasnt for her.
Last nite 6 of us went to casurina to eat crabs~!!! ha and it was geo's idea to have crabs dere cause they are famous for it and it was to compensate my crab dinner on my bdae dat i din have.. very sweet rite ha. We all met in sch and went dere in my cosy car to have a nice crab meal and swensen's ice cream and we had lotsa fun eating and making lotsa noise in the car. and ahgong lives in a cave ha cuz i lost my way around jurong everywhr is jurong west ave 2 ha. Really happy that we can go out have meals and spend time together. And lastly....THANK you to Astral and Ahaha who got me a manutd jers and a nice bdae card to come together wif it =) thx to dickson jeanette and weiliang to go all the way to town to get it.... and all dose who wrote in the card too... love loves. And oso thx in advance to tF and Mc who are goin to get my prez tmr. On the whole i really really enjoyed my bdae thanks to everyone who contributed to my happiness =)
11/03/2007 01:43:00 AM