Tuesday, April 24, 2007,
My last week working at cpF alrdy... was pretty happy about it, but as the date draws nearer there are things dat made me reluctant to leave.. but also not enough to hold me dere and listen to all the auntie uncle calling with regards to the workfare bonus ha. yesterday was my last day seeing sandy alrdy cuz wed and thurs she will be on leave and so ruping and I shared to buy her a gift.. Its a muG wif a smiley face according to ruping cuz shes the one dat chose it as i hav to go for driving yesterday. Sandy dotes on me alot ha... altho she always ask me to do shredding.. passing papers around.. tell ppl their lunch time and sending letters but dats to let me hav a break from all the calls im getting. and jennifer always say sandy is my gan jiejie ha. And then deres jennifer oso ha who always talks to me altho she always ask abt other ppl ha. Then dere are memories of the previous batch of ppl... i can also visualise they are all around when i look at the empty seats.. like zhanhui slping bay and edwin looking at jokes webby and yangwei doing sudoku.. and kenneth and char and meiyun and erm.. =) but i hafta leave anyway sooner or later.
Went to Nus wif weiF today for medical.. and he din bring his form M or ratehr he din receive it and we were laffing all the way on the train journey thinking of ways how to counter them if they say he cant have his medical checkup done if he doesnt hav his form M. we thot of like acting pissed and scare the staff overdere and he have a v lame look on his face when he tried to say " wtf do you mean i cant do medical w/o form M!!!' loL ok next thing... we dunno where to alight in nus. but i alighted at the right place but we walked in the wrong direction... -.- the place was jus opposite the busstop but instead we cut thru all the buildings bhind the busstop cuz dere was a address at the btm of the paper saying it was blk e3a. and we walked thru the entire raffles hall and got lost jus like dunno who the other time during open hse. After some time finally found blk e3a but to our horror it turned out to be the office of admissions not the the health center zz and we looked at the map dere and realise the health center is jus opposite the busstop we alighted..Zz and thru out the walk to e3a i was telling weif 'xiang xing wo... wo shi orienteering pro..lol'
Halfway thru the medical checkup i spotted meixing...a sick meixing in fact... I came out frm the doc's rm and walked towards the place whr i and weif were sitting but hes gone and i noticed the que no. board and saw his no. on rm B which was the other end of the rm and so i walked back and i thot i saw a familiar jacket... isnt dat the jacket i bought for mX? then i turned and saw her sitting dere wif a sick look ha.... mX ar... u always so hardworking study until so so so late... dun get sick oso difficult lor... she was dere to see the sch doC. poor thing tmr still got paper... sick le how to study... so she waited for us to finish our X-ray then we took a cab and send her home... thruout the entire journey she cant really talk cuz she feels like vomitting... v ke lian... wonder if shes ok le...take care wor.
tonite Manutd vs acMilan champ league semi final...~! hope it will be a man utd vs liverpool final. and then i dun mind whoever wins it be it manutd or liverpool la...but hopefully liverpool ha. and yup i will be in paradise for the coming weekend. On a holiday to some beach resort in some island in malaysia. this is the island.
http://www.pulauperhentian.com.my/getperhentian_bus.phphope it'll be fun altho not so many ppl goin this time only 5 of us. im leaving on friday to be beach boi le be bac on tues =)
4/24/2007 11:12:00 PM
Thursday, April 19, 2007,
sometimes i really wonder wad am i doing... finding trouble for myself..
in the end making myself feel so terrible... silly aint I?
getting sick again...keep getting sick these days.... and more retarded oso
wonder if its really the job... seems like wad they say is real
answering calls from no brainers really lowers ur iQ by a lot..
Hope school starts soon~
4/19/2007 12:09:00 AM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007,
work work.....but finally i have given my last day alrdy.. My last day will be on April 28th. Feels like finally goin to be free from all the irritating people calling to ask abt money problems... Seriously i dislike people who see money as their life... Everything they want to noe about argue about and falling out is money... I've seen families broken up because of money and i swear u wun wan to be in one... ok but i feel bad leaving the job cuz all along sandy thot i would be working till june or something like that... plus im doing lotsa stuff like voice mail sending letters and everything so yah i feel bad leaving so early.. plus i wun noe wad i'll be doing after this job cuz i haven started looking for a new job yet... ha
went to vivo yesterday aft wrk to meet shenghua and i bought meiyi a pair of haviannas for her 21st birthday at vivo... haha but i dunno wads her shoe size and i asked the sales assistant over dere he said dat most females wear size 4-5... so i was tinking meiyi being quite short shld be wearin size 4... and so i got a size 4... but b4 dat i happen to ask for somebody's opinion and somebody replied me aft i paid and she says most females wear size 7-8.. omg like such a big difference.. do girls feet have such a big range in size?? like so ma fan ha guys only range between 9-10 i tink ha. and went back to tampines to buy present for tpy oso cuz its oso her bdae.. altho we are not on gd terms alrdy but haha vix thot that we shld get her one too.. and since meiyi is not ard sheng and i went over to her hse to pass the haviannas to meiyun, meiyi's younger sis ha.
Manutd rox.. luckily i woke up to watch the match... The scoreline reads 7-1 at full time... it was already 4-0 at halftime alrdy.. watching ronaldo play u cant help but tink hes not human... firstly he runs wif the ball at an amazing speed.. 2ndly yesterday he jus stood ont he spots and move his feet at amazing speed like left right left right and by doing that he faked 2 defenders and got a shot...im like omg... how did he do that...
zZz its only 140pm now and im still in office.. somemore tonite mus go driving lessons...zZ totally sick of driving lessons... wonder wad are u doing...
4/11/2007 01:05:00 PM
Monday, April 09, 2007,
haiz have been quite upset for the past few days for a number of reasons...namely man utd lost... van der sar and ferdinand are v comical.. quite a pity they are not part time clowns.. and then dere is a record breaking 117 calls for me today... dats like i dun even have time to get a sip of water frm the bottle and the phone rings again... and thirdly... haiz jus tinking about it makes me depressed.. nvm dat.. I dunno why haha... sounds strange..but i feel stupid and dumb. Quite rarely do i feel stupid.. but i really do now.. and the thing is i dunno wad made me have this kinda feeling.. watever im saying i realise slowly soesnt make any sense.
I noe i've been saying this for quite sometime since the last taiwan trip but i really feel like goin for a walk in some other country... to mia for awhile...mayb i'll feel better or sth. its meiyi's birthday tmr... dunno wad to get her.. and its nat's bdae this saturday and its kim's next week... so many birthdays.. ha and for christ sake..arsenal pls buck up and play better football. i really pity you when i compare you to the season when u were unbeaten and now ur playing like a relegation team...
ur like a cloud u noe dat...
4/09/2007 11:58:00 PM
Sunday, April 08, 2007,
Friday was good friday so yep din hafta work.. but good friday became fitness day.. as i had quite a number of activities... Early in the morn went to simei to play soccer wif tf and gang.. haiz getting lousier and lousier... not v gd to start wif oso... was breathless after jus 40mins or so... and went swimming in the aftnoon... Its been quite some time since we went as a group alrdy...there was me vix wj tc and lm... 5 of us altho we din really swim ha except for tc.. we had a long chat in the pool... After dat we decided to have dinner at geylang... whoo nice food~ had some starters when we got dere... you tiao wif soya bean and then we had the famous beef hor fun... its v nice la... ha and our fatty vix took us for a walk thru the streets whr the prostitutes came out to display themselves and look for business.. This is my first time walking thru that street and i really pity them.. Its like they stand dere for all the old men to ogle at em and ask them for a price.. There were a handful of pretty ones lor.. and i tink they wasted their life by doing this.. Some of them started to approach us and we hurried away.. and decided to go home and dota since we had no whr else to go... haiZ seems like im getting lousier at every thing.. every game is getting harder and harder to win... even had to resort to backdoor to win lor..zz somemore its not match...its against pub.. someone having fun in sentosa today wor... and the sun is v unfrenly la...so hot... wonder how that person survive at the beach..
Today woke up early to go work la and first thing i got there i got one whole big stack of notes to shred... and i thot shredding was fun... it totally sucks and the machine keeps getting jammed.. and the worse thing is i will start work at 8am nxt week and theres a new seating arrangement... = ( i like my present seating arrangement so much la.. went to vix place to mahjong aft wrk and i lost lor..sian And sheng and I proceed to watch our joLin concert.. It was damn nice... you can hear the power of her voice live....! and shes a dance queen la.. I like all her dances.. totally worth the money.. i regretted not getting the front seat. Hope xiaozhu will come to have a concert in spore.. I'll definitely get front seat tics... And someone tried to scare the hell outta me... Its been a long time since i had this feeling.. ur shocked till u feel a lil breathless..kinda feel like someone threw a 10kg stone at ur heart..dats how it feels k... man utd jiayou..!
im kinda shy to say this la ok.. and i had quite a no. of courage cells dead jus saying this...I really really really kinda miss you..!
4/08/2007 01:44:00 AM
Thursday, April 05, 2007,
I'm worried sick.....so many questions running thru my headare u alrdy asleep?or are u still goin out so late in the nite?is it safe to do so?wad if it isnt?are u dere yet?m i goin nuts?
4/05/2007 01:08:00 AM
Monday, April 02, 2007,

sat was the guys last day at work and also charzie's and meiyun's hoying's as well so there were lotsa sweets and chocs on my table when i got to office.. and we all took alot of emails and contact no.s from ppl and gavin wanted us as in the guys to leave at 11 so din really got a chance to like take some fotos wif the ppl dat are leaving.. actually everyone is leaving except me..haiz.. kinda depressing. Dunno why im kinda afraid of these situations since young. Like when i left my primary sch and moved outta my familiar neighbourhood to a totally new one. Then at the end of sec2 when i gonna split to a different class wif my besties and then sec4 grad... leaving all the familiar faces... my class and ever so fun nCc. Then there was 1st 3 months in jc which everyone was so united and close frens and in the end splited up again as some left and classes were re arranged then j2 grad and there was parting wif bmT mates who shared all the tough times together and mP basic course ppl who shared even tougher times and pround times when we performed ndp05 and the orD and now this... like ppl come and go... will people jus come and dun go? anw ya so together wif all the guys we went to vivo to have carls jr again and had a wlk ard.. b4 goin home to prepare to go to amos's birthday party.... while someone went drinking and couldnt walk straight aft dat ha... and woooo man utd came from bhind to win 4-1.. dats like so amazing...
Had a haircut and changed the colour of my hair on sundae... not quite used to having short hair now...altho i had short hair for like 2 yrs in Ns... and as usual attended the monthly CoG parade. The juniors' exchanges are all v nice... congrats... and celebrated our dear patricia's 21st birthday at some restaurant in little india..ha i forgot the name of the place. And they proceeded to clarke Q aft dat which i din go along....went home to dota and msn instead but ha someones not online.
Today is my first day back in office with a new sitting arrangement which most ppl are jealous of (loL) but wif quite an empty office.. empty to me at least... like wad jennifer says.. it really feels different and she can sense my boredom without all the familiar faces.. looks like i have to have lunch alone for the rest of the week and mayb next week oso and the week aft next due to voicemail except for the occassional lunch wif tF and sBo... hope i can reg the compy tmr... and cant wait to start sch ..
where are YOU~
4/02/2007 10:54:00 PM