Monday, March 26, 2007,
Not a bad weekend for this week.. As usual for saturday went to work.. for the people who dun work on weekends...jus to let u noe its v sickening to work on week ends especially if u have to wake up early in the morning. its like for the entire week u have alrdy been waking up at like 630 but on a fine saturday morning u still hafta wake up at such an unholy hour... and the thot of waking up makes u to not enjoy ur friday night becuz u cant stay out late..zz And so...always got owned by the Zz-monster.
Went to viVo after work to have lunch wif zhanHui Bay and yanGwei.. ha we had carLs Jr and i had my usual Beef chilli cheese fries also known as aH-na fries ha cuz the sauce taste like some indian curry but its goSu~! and we visited sHeng at samsonite also went in the store to disturb. Can i have a look at all the bags around haha and poor me only went home to nap for 1hr b4 moving out to town to meet junyi rOmeO paT and Leongwei so long nv see him la loL. wanted to catch mrBean but all the tix are sold out across orchard road all the way to 11pm lo... Zz right..... so we jus have dinner and played dose farni farni games at the pS arcade... This stupid game for lovers lol its a shooting game something like time crisis which im v proficient at haha. The diff is in this stupid game u get to seat in a car and shoot gigantic buGs instead of people. This game is for lovers becuz it will giv u a compatibility % between both the players after every round.. And loL junyi play wif patrick haha and i think they got like 79% right? lol both of u are meant for each other haha. Later i went to vivo again for shenghua to knock off and drive me back to the east and we played mahjong over at fatty's hse... heh i won again ha.
Had to wake up early today even tho i slept at like 430am the nite b4. Cuz its qing ming jie 1st day and hafta go sin ming temple at bishan to paipai aH-ma. nice of me right...1st day go paipai le... ha and get to carry ming si ard also.. play wif my 1yr+old cousin haha run ard pillars like kids lol. u see the smile on her face u will jus melt lor ha. saDz nobody play mahjong today aiWee jiejie nv come..think she on the plane somewhr ard the whole la ha.. sian tmr goin to work again... and this is the last week for alot of ppl le... sian everybodys leaving leaving only a few ppl behind i tink...zZ
haven seen somebody for quite some time alrdy lor...=( this genius is gonna lose her way around cck tmr haha and be wary wor lol rmb nowadays molesters taste not so good le ha
3/26/2007 12:21:00 AM
Saturday, March 24, 2007,
My wallet was found. The moment i reached office today my dad called to tell me my wallet was found in my letter box with the cash gone but evrything else was intact. Yup altho the guy was bad to take the money but it was kind of him to giv me back everything else... Grateful for that. thx =) to the guy somewhr out dere who took my money.
Watched TMNT today...was quite a nice show... kinda reminded me of my childhood days... I'm a very big fan of them back then.. And i also finished the last episode of shen qing mi ma.. Very touching.. learnt quite abit of sign language from this show haha.
Tmr gotta work again... Hope somebody will agree to mr BeaN..
I think i realise the harder you try to hold on to something....The more it seems to slip away from you
3/24/2007 12:50:00 AM
Friday, March 23, 2007,
WaD is wrong with me....! someone tell me pls. i am damn pissed with myself la. I actually
WALLET today. ok I went out i saw the bus coming and i ran for it... while running i felt something hit my ankle and i actually thot it was one of the fallen coconuts on the pavement as that particular pavement usually has lotsa em.. then on the bus i realise what hit my leg was actually my wallet which had fallen out of my pocket while running. omG i alighted from the bus 2 stops away and ran all the way back only to find it gone.. super pissed and sad. Lucky i was clever enough to not put my I/C in my wallet as i always left it in my coin pouch. ok now i can forget about the cash.. but my atm card my safra kbox card.. and all the cards la.. and most importantly i lost that 2 piece of paper which i kept for 5 yrs alrdy... jus thinking of it pain me so much..zz haiz.. if im not wrong this is my first time losing my wallet lor.. I think im destined to lose it cuz i regain most of the cash in the mahjong session jus now. My tiles are like damn good.. usually i will feel abit scared if i get good tiles dunno why.. because usually my pai ping is not dat good. Won $60. ok now i need a new wallet.~ =(
And tmr still nid to work... and the day after tmr oso.. saVe me pls
and pls hope the person who picks up my wallet is a kind soul...and return it back to me pls
hey genius! have you eaten ur dinner? mus eat lar dun skip meals can.. wait till u feel the full power of gastric pain then u'll regret.. Why din u let me buy dinner for you!! if i did i might not have lost my wallet alrdy..zZ
3/23/2007 12:40:00 AM
Thursday, March 22, 2007,
woke up late today...i tink the alarm rang or did it? i seem to rmb in my half-awakened state i turned it off and went back to bed... but luckily i reach office on the dot exactly this shows that haha.. im fast~ But the first thing i reached office...gavin was telling GB that sandy wanted me to do voice mail... sIan extra workload...and means i hafta eat lunch alone le =( I tink i shall also gic a last day date to em soon.. But dunno why something is holding me back.. its like part of me wanted to leave but the other part doesnt want to.. hmm guess its only a matter of time i leave no matter how reluctant i m.. really hope school starts soon. haiz... dunno why im still coughing like nobody's business. Theres like a never-ending load of phlegm in my thoart.. argh
Thinking about sec sch days... haha kinda miss the feeling we had during that time... something in me wants to have dat kinda satisfaction back so...ha eh lets form a team to conquer the dota fraternity leh... mE Fats qJ wJ Leon bP jus nice 6 ppl can rotate wan? altho we all have different commitments and stuff but it is also a way to make us closer oso wad.. rmb the times we had when we played cS and starcraft and sG... yah the same we can do so in dota.. then we can get back the kind of aura we once had..
heya geNius! smile* la k? dun have so many problems la.. i'll sing you a song for every problem u have ok....cHeer up!
3/22/2007 12:36:00 AM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007,
First day going back to work after my break. Quite enjoyed myself yesterday cuz i really put most of my worries behind and spend time with 2 of my frens altho we din do much jus driving around getting lost visiting schools playing mahjong but its been a long time we went out on a whole day kinda thing. Was quite afraid of goin bac to office because i dunno how it will be like after everything. The moment i stepped in.. i can feel it. Its no longer the place it was. Kinda empty kinda cold it seems. yup and ppl asked how i was and everything becuz they knew i was sick... but din really ans.. Dunno why din really felt like speaking so i jus nodded my head and a weak smile.. And yah broke my record... on a day which i dun really feel like speaking i get the most no. of calls.. a100 of em. zZ guess im reverting back to the stupid attitude i had during the sec sch days..but its a different feeling.
Somebody came back to office today. Lets refer to this person as 'geNius' becuz its troublesome to always say somebody. As predicted geNius came back during my lunch hour. altho it seems to be a coincidence but...nvm. But then someone called to tell me that geNius was back and i happen to be downstairs alrdy and my mind was upstairs and din really notice wad was happening ard. But this geNius saw me but refused to even say hi. Cant help but make u tink its destined that we wont meet right? For a moment i thot i was on the lift up when geNuis was on the life down. haha jus tinking of that would make u naturally say 'wtf'~ its like u catch a bird waking up nxt day to see it turn into a rooster.
Yup ppl are saying that now the office feels so quiet. I kinda miss the noise during the past few weeks. mayb its because the main noise-makers are gone. But we kinda nid the noise.. Hope a few more happening new ppl will come in. And yah la. one was supposed to be in today la but Mr Hao Xin Ren because dunwan to trouble ppl for a few mins now is in trouble for 3 months. clever har mr tF? told ya dunno how many times to tell e person u interested in call center but u dint...zZ swee~! orbi now end up in e-submission dept. see how u die. all the best to you. I can expect hearing your complaints over lunch for the next few days alrdy.
sentosa sunday?
3/21/2007 12:26:00 AM
Monday, March 19, 2007,
They left or rather that person left... yup I did get my message across but not in the way i thot i would.. mayb its becuz i dragged it for too long and circumstances dint allow me too.. but guess it wouldnt be any different. Haven recovered from the fever i had for the past few days and so din go to work today.. wonder how work would be like now that some people are gone.
Recently watched a drama serials about this guy who have only 3 more months to live... Have you ever thot wad are u gonna do if u have only 3 more months in this world? How are you gonna live your life knowing when its the end..? I thought about it for quite sometime...haha i dunno why i always think about these kinda thing. I remember last time when was in sec sch i would think of something like if i wanna commit suicide how would i go about doing it.. and a few yrs later i decided on an ans.. I would lock myself in a car and slp in the air con.. I suppose that would be the most painless method... Ok back to the original 3 mths thing...
My basic idea is to not have any regrets.. I guess that would be everybodys idea right? First I would really like to spend more time with the people that accompained me thru a large part of my life.. namely my close buddies Fats sHeng wJ Lm Qj kK gY the usual ppl who meet up every week.. my ncc ppL tF KanG... my jC ppl...meL irV sTepH meiYi.. arMy ppL Jy KelLy paT rY.. and also my family altho im usually not on v gd terms wif but i guess when one has only 3 mths left wadever misunderstandings are usually not important alrdy.. I suddenly have this feeling of really thanking these people who are always dere no matter how sad how frustrated how whiney how unreasonable how irrittaing how pesky i am.. I really like to cuz recently i juz got to know someone's opinion of me... that im a pesky and irritating person... So now that i know i m i really appreciate the ppl who put up wif me thru different phases of my life.
Next I would write wadever i wanted to say to people that left footprints in my life no matter how deep or shallow the print might be... might take 1 month to do so. That is considering i write 24 hrs a day cuz there are really alot of ppl on my mind... Other than dose mentioned above there are still ppl like kim sy kw nat wen abo mx and the list goes on..
Lastly..and the most impt and i tink everyone shld do regardless you are dying anot.. And that is to let that special person in your life know how important she/he is to you. You never know someday you might never ever have the chance to say it.. might not even have the chance to say goodbye. Take the time to do some things for the ones you love. =)
Juz realised that life can be v fragile... Forgive me if i sound v morbid..
Miss you~
3/19/2007 11:59:00 PM
Monday, March 12, 2007,

Had quite a tiring weekend. v little sLp. and im like slping everywhr i on the mrt, on the bus, at work, while waiting for somebody or something and yah its jus slping all over the place la.. Friday went to IT fair after work with sheng and his jc classmates. And oh my... its super duper crowded la~ and we walked round and round and round dunno how many times cuz everyone got something to buy except me ha. and while waiting outside the hall.. i slept.. imagine how tired i was that i can actually sleep with the noise and crowd... And we ate ku-shinbo~! thats the choc fondue in the pic. I dunno why becuz there was any occassion or anything but we jus ate the buffet... and yijies dad came to drive each and everyone of us nice of him. And i actually enjoy sitting at the bac of the lorry with the breeze.
early on saturday morning and im pissed off alrdy becuz GB made me sign in at 9am jus becuz i was late for 5 mins~!!!!!! and i explained it was becuz of the security guard who made me sign in dat caused me to be late and guess wad she said? "Too bad".. if thats the attitude she givs thats wad im gonna giv her...we'll see. After work i went to NTU wif yangwei and edwin.. actually i have no purpose there its jus dat im hoping to bump into someone dere.... but that particular someone was no whr to be found in the NTu compound so i thot i go to NUS to attend the talk that i was supposed to attend. And yep i met that someone along the way! haha Its fate its fate~!! And alot of unforseen circumstances cropped up but ha its weird. cuz i actually have a v heartwarming feeling when u do things for ppl.. And this was the first time i felt so frantic cuz i couldnt find someone.... like searched up and dwn the area for 1hr plus la.... Yupz and surprised to see weif weiqi and the ncc guys dere haha.. and so i went out wif em aft the open hse.
Slept like 5am on sat nite due to the man utd match lor~ and woke up at 930am to go play soccer at simei as promised. like only 4hrs of sLp zz... and in the aftnn i went to NuS again~~ to listen and record the talk that somebody missed the previous day... haiz but cant hlp feeling sad that evryones leaving alrdy even someone...sobz. jus tinking abt it can keep me awake no matter how tired i am.
3/12/2007 12:48:00 AM
Thursday, March 08, 2007,
Been kinda lost lately... trying to occupy myself wif things so that i can get my mind of the matter but its pretty obvious i cant. monday nite i went swimming tuesday nite i went for driving and last nite, movie wif colleagues and today soccer session wif em too. Im tired but i still tink about it..... And all of u people are leaving... the guys hafta go becuz of their enlistment. So they are probly leaving on 31st march. Sheng wants a job change so hes leaving next week. And most of the girls are leaving too becuz they dun like it here. I guess i might be the only one left bah. Mayb coming to work will be even more meaningless without you ppl.. And she still doesnt talk to me. I don't know if its i dun dare to talk to her? or she doesnt want to talk to me. Mayb its both~ I really have alot alot to tell her altho it may not change anything but i really have alot to tell her. Its jus that i don't know where to start.My feet are feeling sore after the soccer today. I ran like a horse.. or izzit my stamina is deproving.... shit coming from everywhr... bad week..
Yah and i wrote a story... i wrote it in chinese. its a simple story la but i can actually write one...ha but sadly its a sad one..
3/08/2007 10:11:00 PM
Monday, March 05, 2007,

Monday~! haiz mondays are always like the saddest day of the week mainly becuz jus tinking of monday makes u get the cruel fact that u have a whole bloody working week ahead of you~! And monday callers are always troublesome like some retard dint wan to encash their shares but went to idiotically click encash on the website and then called to make an appeal and when the appeal doesnt go thru they make a big fuss over it. zZ
Having nth to do in the evening i and edwin went for a swim in the evening. People who know me would know that i dun tell ppl my problems easily and im v gd at putting on a happy front as tho im totally fine even tho im not. I will only share problems wif my bunch of v close frens. So im surprised at myself that i actually opened up to a person that i noe for not even 1 month. This comes to show that i share some affinity wif edwin. Better keep everything i told you to urself~!!! And oMg I cant believe im totally outwitted by someone today and this person doesnt like me mentioning abt her/him here. I must say that im always confident that im smart and possess quite a high level of IQ. But this saddening monday.... dear brothers~!!!!!!! Fatty!!!!!! i totally lost...and somemore to a female!!! ppl bully me!!!! Arghhhhh!!! and saturday is the D-day for me hope i have the courage to face it.
And yah this is the 2nd time in my entire life that i can watch a show until i cry. I not weak ok~ dun be mistaken but this show is really really touching.. i have nth to say. The show is not out on tv or vcD yet. Its called corner with love by lead actor and actress Xiaozhu and Da S. I watched it on youtube. If you guys have time u can enjoy the show too.
Did you really came into my world?
If could i possibly ever let you leave?
If no...why do i feel so much pain in my heart?
3/05/2007 11:50:00 PM
Sunday, March 04, 2007,

Hmm ok first lets start with friday... Its the day the A lvl people get their results and because of that they all left the office at 1pm leaving around 8 ppl to do the job of 30+ ppl. And unlucky me happen to fall under the 8 ppl category and had a grand total of 70 calls for the day and 55 of them are after lunch. So its like the headset is stuck to ur head and ya hav no chance of taking them out. But ok i had fun making fun of wen mi shu's height tho..ha NUSP=national university for short and oh some of them had gd results and others hmm not so gd i guess. People like josephine and our wen mi shu got like double As lo and they dun look like people who get double As haha but nvm. Proud of em too.. congrats! Come NUS FASS accompany me~! ha
ok i tink this is the 1 out of the 2 highlights of the weekend. And that is ta-da..~! after a 7 mths wait i finally got my new handphone...woohoo. And i like it alot.. its a black samsung z720. ultraslim 13.8~ Saturday morn~ i din go to work =) and i thot alot of ppl wun but instead they all went except for me and sheng. But its ok. kinda enjoyed myself because i went for a soccer session wif tingF and frens...ok mayb not really enjoyed la but it was ok. It was supposed to be a ncc soccer session but instead dunno why they din come. nvm its ok to play wif a more pro bunch like tingF yiqin yong lin songwei... din see them for quite some time. They used to be the cream of the crop during our sec sch days.
Was disappointed because i was actually looking forward to going to mOs dat nite but unfortunately the organiser wen mi shu nv ask ppl properly then nobody say anything in the end~ saded~ so I went to chijmes to catch the liverpool vs manutd match wif sheng and his frens. The atmosphere dere was great wif ppl cheering and stuff. The match was damn exciting wif alot of chances and i was pissed because the better team lost. Its obvious that liverpool dominated the entire game and they were unlucky to concede that goal lo. =( the most boring day out of the whole weekend. Driving in the morn...and i was like practically driving wif my eyes half opened the whole time then i came home to rot because the plan of watching dreamgirls wif the rest failed as many ppl cant make it. so sad that all the plans for today was not carried out. Din even go to coG cuz it was raining heavily at 430pm and junyi said he dunwan go le so i din go as well. haiz rot at home and watch 'corner with love' the whole aftnn. Its getting damn damn nice la cuz these few episodes are v v touching i mus say.. and XiaoZhu and da S are both my favourites. Jus came bac frm a long nite jog to tampines. Tired. hope this coming week will hold more excitment. im lacking of colours in my life. zZ
3/04/2007 11:08:00 PM
Thursday, March 01, 2007,
On that dreadful monday morning... poor me suffering frm a lack of sleep had some problems climbing outta bed. After much difficulty brushing my teeth wif my eyes closed i suddenly realised that im supposed to reach office at 830 instead of the usual 8am~!!! *#@&#@!.. becuz of that i feel shits in the morning.
In the course of torture, called boredom at the workplace, one can always hear the growling agony of the suffering hungry stomach. And finally lunchtime came but we had no time cuz we had the 1230 slot and there was people mountain people sea so we decided to buyback old chang kee nasi lemak. And omg i cant believe i qued for 20 mins and i ate the worst nasi lemak in my entire life. becuz of that i feel shits in the afternn.
Ok so there was a plan of goin to the movies after work wif the guys as we all agreed in the aftnn. But at the end of the day everyone was tired and the movie session was postponed to the next day and in the end we all went home.. BORING~ becuz of that i feel shits in the evening.
And yah so we caught the epic movie yesterday. and i jus felt that i wasted 7bucks on the movie becuz it wasnt as nice as somebody said... but nvm cuz 4 of us guys had great talk over dinner and we decided to start a secret campaign known as the Anti-HE campaign becuz we all suffered under her tyrany and experience the the fiery of evil this very day. This campaign is supposed to commence today as our roles are assigned. First phase will be the attack of D3 haha. (ok all this is jus for fun due to the boring nature of our work and we are only trying to seek entertainment so do not get angry if u happen to see this and u noe who we are refering to lol) Lets hope we will put our sufferings to an end~
Ha and then there was the appearance of a female dwarf char~ aka as wen mi shu. very interesting person. And her pet phrase is "later got briefing~!" she repeats this sentence ard mayb 30 times a day. And she has the supernatural ability of catching evildoers and their sudoku game. For the weekend the dwarf has demanded dat we watch dreamgirls and also to go party at MoS. Haha come to think of it its been quite long since the last time i went clubbing. =)
Sounds weird but recently i have developed an interest in dancing ha. esp hiphop. Mayb its due to watching too much dance vids of k-one and xiaozhu and omg their dances are like totally 'wow!' ha so me having nth to do have alrdy pickup some dance moves frm Jing wu men~ and also a special edition dance frm k-one~ lol some day shall xiu yi xiu haha. this interest even brings me to the extent of trying to psyco fatty and sheng to go hiphop dance classes wif me ha. who noes the next time ppl see me... im known as 'wu wang' King of dance haha
3/01/2007 12:34:00 AM