Sunday, November 05, 2006,
rAfter a 1yr 10mth wait the long awaited day is finally coming. Strange dat for each passing month i've been yearning for this day to arrive faster but now that its here I feel a certain reluctance to leave APC. Although its v far from where im staying...tho there are many things im unhappy about... tho theres always alot of work to do and tho our dear oc keeps denying us of our offs and instead giving us guard duties, im still feeling reluctant to leave the place. Coz despite the unhappy times we have our fair share of happy times in camp. Training is tough.. Parades are tedious but we have our glorious moments too. Who can forget the 2005 SAF day where APC put up a splendid slow march pass the VIP stands. That kind of standards was deem impossible for other units or even other countries' armed forces to achieve. And also the National Day Performances of both 2005 and 2006. The crowd was treated to a fantastic display of precision drill performances together wif black pipers fireworks motorcycle outriders. We have achieved so much for the past 1.5yrs. Mayb its the thought of goin to work in a new unfamiliar place that makes me wan to stay in APC longer. But yes i guess my yuan fen wif this coy is up and i have to move on to a beginning of a new chapter of my life journey. I would like to thank my peers from the various bunks and also our commanders which contributed in helping us put up the various top class performances. People like Lt CAi zhiwen MsG Giam MSg Zaini Sgt Eddie Sgt Poh Sgt Francis and PC Chong will always remain in our hearts.
11/05/2006 11:53:00 PM